A Call to Action for Our
Join us as we nourish Nature with the Flow of
Water Conversations
1st & 3rd Wednesday of Each Month
In the beautiful garden of the ChocolaTree Organic Oasis
in Sedona, Arizona
10 am to 12 noon
Complementary Coffee from the Heart of the World
The purpose of these Water Conversations is to augment and amplify the voice of the WATER in ALL Her forms of expression, as a living breathing Feminine Being that sustains ALL Life, to inspire and awaken conscious ACTIONS within our community and worldwide, that benefit Her.
SHE is calling for humanity to unify and focus on a common purpose, to remember the sacred agreement and relationship we had with HER in times past; to support, protect, preserve and honor all of Nature and thereby the Mother Earth in reciprocity for being sustained alive.
We extend our deepest gratitude to Nori (artist) for her beautifully rendered image of Mother Earth.
If you are unable to attend these Water Conversations yet would like to take action for the Water through a contribution to help save the Life of the Verde River and Her Headwaters, we would be very grateful.