Ways To Contribute
The MERT is founded on the needs of the Mother Earth and is therefore well outside the scope of conventional projects. Instead, we seek to cultivate long-term, collaborative relationships under the principles of complementarity and reciprocity. The trust we wish to cultivate with others needs to be based on one’s volition to restore the Earth. We therefore welcome contributions to further the organizational programs we develop for the betterment of the world and the restoration of our Beloved Mother Earth.
Your contributions complement our efforts to preserve humanity’s continuity with pre-ancient (before Light was birthed) wisdom. In reciprocity, you, and all of Life, benefit from the light the actions of our organization bring into collective consciousness.
“We (humanity) have accumulated so much of the Mother’s riches just to please our own senses, it is now time to give back and take the spirit of money, the energy of money and guide it with a conscious decision to see what is needed for the wellbeing of the future generations.” ~ 4 Peoples of the Earth (Heart of the World)
The Verde River Headwaters Initiative Update: As of June 2, 2024
With profound gratitude and deeply moved by the Blessings bestowed by The Mother, we are elated to share that the $950,000 raised through contributions and loans made possible fulfilling MERT’s contractual purchase agreement to pay the Seller and complete the securing of the land tract of the Verde River Headwaters by June 30, 2024.
UPDATE: We are eternally grateful to those who have generously contributed through the Go Fund Me and direct donations in the amount of $8000. May we continue to come together in unity to nourish our Beloved Mother Earth by augmenting and amplifying Her voice through the Water.
We continue our endeavor to raise another $397,000 to meet our obligations to those who generously offered loans allowing us to make our payments on time and in accordance with the contract.
*For substantial contributions that require banking information please contact
Mona Hoffman, CEO
Checks payable to The Mother Earth Restoration Trust can be mailed to: P.O. Box 1345, Durango CO 81301
The Mother Earth Restoration Trust is tax exempt under Section 501(C)(3) of the IRS code. All contributions are tax deductible per U.S. code using the tax ID number 47-3799205.