Origin Story


After 22 years of ongoing relationship and work with the Four Peoples of the Earth from La Sierra de Santa Marta (Heart of the World), The Mother Earth Restoration Trust (The MERT) came into consideration (spiritual thought) in early 2013.

Witnessing the world spiral into deeper and deeper crisis, The MERT was inspired to bring our collective attention to the living planet. Listening and responding to the request of the planet Herself, MERT was birthed to amplify the voice of Mother Earth (also referred to as “the Mother”).

She is calling Her Children (humanity) and giving a pathway that leads to Her restoration — which ultimately is our restoration being peoples of the Earth, dependent and in communion with Her.

In 2015, The Mother Earth Restoration Trust was formally established as a non-profit organization in the state of Colorado. The MERT is in function of the Mother’s guidance, which is made possible because of the intimate relationship cultivated with Elders of the Four Peoples of the Earth. 

The Four Peoples Of The Earth

 Pre-ancient Wisdom, a Solution for the Modern World

La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a mountainous land massif located at the extreme Northwestern end of the Andes Mountain chain in Colombia, South America. The area is home to the native American Tayrona culture; consisting of the Iku (colonized name–Arhuaco), Sankha (colonized name–Wiwa), Kaggaba (colonized name–Kogui) and Kakachukwa (colonized name–Kankuamo)–called the “Four Peoples of the Earth” or the “Elders” henceforward. With altitudes stretching from sea level to heights of almost 19,000 feet, the region has 30 vital Rivers that feed the extensive continental water network of the Americas. La Sierra’s unique biodiversity plays a crucial role in the world climatic distribution system. This system directly feeds northern Colombia, extending into the basin of the lower Magdelena, influencing four departments:  Guajira, Cesar, Magdelena and Bolivar.  Moreover, it is inextricably connected to the extensive South American water network.  In 1969, a segment of ancestral territories were established as a national park and in 1979 UNESCO designated La Sierra Nevada as a World Biosphere Reserve.  In 2013, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) identified the park as the most irreplaceable park in the world for threatened species.

Leadership Through Coherence: The Four Peoples of the Earth are a living example of sustainability after thousands of years of preserving a harmonious relationship with Mother Earth. Though their way of life and culture has become increasingly entangled with the modern world, as a collective people, they continue to maintain a rare spiritual connection with the Mother. This connection — preserved by some of the Four Peoples of the Earth through pristine ancient lifestyles — enables them to directly hear and receive Her guidance, hence their immense value helping guide humanity in processes for planetary restoration. Because the global, social and bio-cultural crisis has escalated beyond critical levels, the Four Peoples have been instructed by the Mother to come out into the world and for some years now, have been sharing their insights and calling Humanity towards UNITY in a common initiative for global transformation. In their multiple warnings to the world since 1990, the call to make the Mother a priority has been neglected by the majority.

In mid 2017, Nature began showing critical levels well beyond anything ever before witnessed. In the words of the Elders: 

The Elements are suffering, they are feeling pain, anger and resentment. Rain is going to fall down to the Earth with resentment–severe flooding. Wind is going to come with problems, no longer tranquil, bringing illnesses. Lightening will strike with anger. All this is due to everything Humanity has done and continues to do to the Mother. We (humanity) are getting ready to begin seeing the manifestations of all the Elements of Nature (also children of the Mother). We never, ever imagined that these things existed, that these manifestations were possible, and this is going to continue happening until humanity realizes simply that we are not fulfilling our sacred responsibilities here on Earth, that unfortunately we never understood what the Mother was saying and what the Mother truly is.

As stewards of the “Heart of the World”, ‘The Four Peoples of the Earth’ Mission — which they hold as their Sacred Responsibility in the Web of Life — is to be vigilant of all events taking place in the world and to preserve Universal Balance on Mother Earth.

These four indigenous tribes have thrived for millennia in one of the most unique and diverse regions of the world, which they refer to as the Heart of the World. In their profound understanding of the living planet and it’s physiological functioning, “the Heart of the World” is the actual physical heart of Mother Earth and the Four Peoples of the Earth represent the four chambers of the Earth’s heart. Therefore, assuring the health of the heart, assures the strength to heal the whole. If the heart fails, the whole of the body shuts down.

This understanding serves as an inspiration to humanity for a connection with the planet that extends beyond the Four Peoples of the Earth and provides profound insight and guidance for Earth restoration, very much needed in the world at this time.

In their cosmology, everything existing on the planet, negative and positive, was originally birthed in La Sierra; hence, a deep, critical analysis of self, took place to identify their own contribution in bringing the world to the state of imbalance (heightened negativity) it is in from humanity’s violations to the Mother and all Her children. Looking within and seeking counsel from Mother Earth, brought a core group of them to the realization that what guarantees justice and protection of all living forms (bio-cultural diversity) is to uphold their own original rights and the rights of the Mother–given at the Origins–by strengthening spiritual and cultural values of their own peoples.

Furthermore, She guided them to stop depending solely on external agents (e.g., legal and political frameworks, activism, movements, protests, etc.), as these are meant to be secondary and complementary. This means that rights are upheld and balance is preserved when the sacred responsibilities are fulfilled with absolute coherence (referred to as “internal order”). The findings of their analysis of self (spiritual investigation) through consultations with the Mother, lead the core group of Elders to actuate specific initiatives that entrusted to The MERT, began with their own peoples and territory.

The MERT’s initiatives are all focused on effectively following the Mother’s instructions, ultimately all working together towards Her restoration and meant to be replicated around the world (a fractal effect). Hence, their collective commitment to internal order is fundamental and is what makes The MERT initiatives so unique.

The Four Peoples of the Earth do not see themselves as victims but rather understand that the outside world reflects our (humanity’s) internal order. This has many components, which begins with a simple view that we are all intricately connected to all things that are transpiring. Taking accountability for the affectations brought upon into the Web of Life, along with a small number of Elders remaining in La Sierra who have an unparalleled ability still preserved to consult with “Universal Authorities responsible for the very conception and birthing of the planet Herself”, are the characteristics that make the initiatives within The MERT stand out. In their service to the wellbeing of the collective whole, the Elders are committed to sharing with humanity the pre-ancient (before Light was birthed) wisdom they remember and still have a relationship with (Universal Authorities). The Four Peoples of the Earth have preserved and can read the “Laws of Creation written in the books of Nature.” Herein lies the gift to humanity from the Heart of the World.

We (The MERT) are convinced that these Four Nations/Tribes are the last, remaining peoples who possess the scientific wisdom and coherent leadership to doctoring/restoring the Earth back to a sound, balanced physiological state.

The Mother Earth Restoration Trust and the Four Peoples of the Earth share the view that the Earth is a living being, and as such, we are each living cells within Her body. We thereby live in a deep symbiotic and reciprocal relationship with the Earth. Just as our bodies get sick, so does the Earth body. And just as our bodies need to heal when they are not well, so too does the Earth body. We know this today in terms of climate change; earthquakes (Earth), storms (Water and Air), and global warming (Fire)in response to humanity’s ongoing disconnect from Life’s Original Principles. She is speaking in the language of the Elements, guiding us into remembrance of our sacred responsibility.

The Earth is not just the responsibility of one specific group, or for that matter of only the four peoples of the Heart of the World – it is the responsibility of the entire world. ~Four Peoples of the Earth