From the Co Founders and Board of Directors

It is with great humility and gratitude that we, the Co-Founders of The Mother Earth Restoration Trust, as well as the Members of the Board of Directors who are part of the organization, serve the collective whole of the Earth, and all of Her Children that constitute the sacred “Web of Life”.

Hence, we bring our commitment, devotion, experience, vision, talents and relationships to serve the Trust in achieving Her objectives through the different initiatives that it forwards. This has only been possible through years of perseverance, hard work and resiliency that many peoples have endured to birth Her creation.

Furthermore, we are honored to be part of an organization that is in function of Mother Earth, a “Spiritual Authority”, and is guided by Her wisdom of Origin. This ancient wisdom is permeated with original thought of which is held and preserved through the natural order that is exemplified in Nature.

With gratitude, humility and is service to Mother Earth Restoration,

Erica Ohliger – Co-Founder

Nelson Caraballo – Co-Founder and – President

Mona Hoffman – CEO

Debra Emmanuelle – Secretary

Donna Nash – Operations Manager / Treasurer

Brittany Young – Officer of the Board

Della Romero – Officer of the Board